
June 9, 2011

Save any Web page as an image or PNG or PDF

Quickly save any web page as a JPEG or PNG image file or a PDF file using URLCapt. After the file has been generated using this service you can download the file, share it with others over social networks, or copy the generated URL pointing to the file.

Take full-length snapshot of any webpage.

Visit :  URLCapt

April 22, 2011

How to Create Your Own Customized Run Commands

The Run command on Microsoft Windows operating system allows you to directly open an application or document with just a single command instead of navigating to it’s location and double-clicking the executable icon. However, it only works for some of the inbuilt Windows programs such as Command prompt (cmd), Calculator (calc) etc. So, have you ever wondered how to create your own customized Run commands for accessing your favorite programs, files and folders? Well, read on to find out the answer.

Creating the Customized Run Command

Let me take up an example of how to create a customized run command for opening the Internet explorer. Once you create this command, you should be able to open the Internet explorer just by typing “ie” (without quotes) in the Run dialog box. Here is how you can do that.

1. Right click on your Desktop and select New -> Shortcut.

2. You will see a “Create Shortcut” Dialog box as shown below

3. Click on “Browse”, navigate to: Program Files -> Internet Explorer from your Root drive (usually C:\) and select “iexplore” as shown in the above figure and click on “OK”.

4. Now click on “Next” and type any name for your shortcut. You can choose any name as per your choice; this will be your customized “Run command”. In this case I name my shortcut as “ie”. Click on “Finish”.

5. You will see a shortcut named “ie” on your desktop. All you need to do is just copy this shortcut and paste it in your Windows folder (usually “C:/Windows”). Once you have copied the shortcut onto your Windows folder, you can delete the one on your Desktop.

6. That’s it! From now on, just open the Run dialog box, type ie and hit Enter to open the Internet Explorer.
In this way you can create customized Run commands for any program of your choice. Say “ff” for Firefox, “ym” for Yahoo messenger, “wmp” for Windows media player and so on.

To do this, when you click on “Browse” in the Step-3, just select the target program’s main executable (.exe) file which will usually be located in the C:\Program Files folder. Give a simple and short name for [...]

February 14, 2011

Change your Processor to Intel Xeon 8.0 GHZ or Any

Type following lines in notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version  5.00
"ProcessorNameString"="Intel Xeon 8.0GHz"

and save as processor.reg and run it.
To see new processor name click on "My Computer" and right click and choose property, which will show "Intel Xeon 8.0GHz. (It is temporary change only)

Note : For permanent changes regedit /s processor.reg in notepad and save as phack.bat

and put both files (Processor.reg and phack.bat)
in windows start up folder [Documents and settings\all users\start meny\programs\startup]
which will run whenever the system restarts.

Change any folder to Recycle Bin (For Data Security)

For changing any folder to recycle bin type these line in notepad :


And Save as Desktop.ini in your folder (Which you want to change into recycle bin) to change recycle bin.

We save desktop.ini in D:\data2 folder and then we open DOS prompt and type the below command, which will convert the data2 folder into Recycle Bin

D:\>attrib +a +r +s data2 /s /d

To change any folder into control panel use following CLSID:
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

Types of Hacking

1. Local Hacking :
Local hacking is done from local area where we have physical access, like through printer etc. We do this type of hacking Trojans and viruses with help of hard disk and pen drive.

2. Remote Hacking :
Remote hacking is done remotely by taking advantage of the vulnerability of the target system. We need to follow steps for remote hacking to enter on target system.

3. Social Engineering :
Social Engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. While similar to a confidence trick or simple fraud, the term typically applies to trickery or deception for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access; in most cases the attacker never comes face-to-face.

January 5, 2011

How to Create a CON folder in Windows?

If You try to create folder named “con”, “prn”, “nul” “com1″ “com2″ “lpt1″ etc. in windows ?

NO its Not Possible....

NOTE :- [If You Are Think About We Can Also Type By Using "ALTR+0160" But Its giving space and also its Invalid]

NO because when create a new folder and try to rename it to any  specified names, you know what happens! In Windows XP the folder name automatically changes back to “New Folder” no matter you try any number of times. Where as in Windows Vista/7 when you try to rename the file you get an error message “The specified device name is invalid”.
What is the reason for this? Simple, these names represent the internal devices and hence we cannot create folders with the above names.
YES because it is still possible to create these folders using the command prompt. Here’s the instructions to create it.

Step To Creat con Folder

Step 1:- Go to command prompt


C:\>md \\.\e:\con
 NOTE: “con” can be replaced by any other names such as “prn”, “nul” “com1″ “com2″ “lpt1″ etc.

Step 2 :- To delete the folder use the following command

C:\>rd \\.\e:\con
NOTE: The folder can only be deleted from the command prompt.You cannot remove it by right-click delete.

Please give the comment for this valuable Information......

January 3, 2011

How to make simple calculation in dos prompt & make mini calculator

I am going to show how to make simple calculation in Dos prompt

Go to start > run > type cmd hit enter
Now type c:\>set /a 10+10 hit enter
You got answer 20.
Use all arithmetic operators and expressions for calculation.
See below calculation.

If you want more details type c;\>set /? hit enter.
If you want mini calculator in batch file, simply copy below code and paste to the notepad.

@echo off
echo Simple Calculator
set /p B=Enter the value and hit enter:
set /a C=%B%
echo %B% = %C%
goto A

Save Calculator.bat
.bat is extension for batch file

Now double click that bat file, your mini calculator Is ready like below.